Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Not-So "Political" Participation

As we got off subject in class today, someone made a comparison of the CIA and terrorism. I find it disappointing that some Americans could think that, but I guess everyone sees the world in a different light. All I know about the CIA is that they gather intelligence and take action to help protect this nation and its citizens. The CIA does what it needs to do to stop threats against the U.S. from becoming a reality - and as long as they aren't killing thousands of innocent people, I honestly do not need to know how they go about protecting this country. I would hate to see our country without agencies such as this, because there would be no United States. Freedom does not come free! We didn't get to where we are today by sitting around and hoping that everyone in the world just left us alone - we had to fight and make sacrifices to live in such a great nation.

Terrorism, in the sense that it is today, can almost not even be defined as a type of political act. Flying planes into buildings and killing innocent citizens for which you know nothing about (races, religions, political views, etc.) has no rationale or political stance whatsoever. These men rape the women in their countries, bomb schools killing hundreds of children, break into homes and kill men because they don't have the same beliefs as them, and blow themselves up just so they can kill hundreds of innocent people. Hating people no matter what race or religion because they have freedom of any kind is not a political fight. There is NO rationale behind this type of behavior or thought. Comparing this type of behavior to types of political participation in the U.S. is ridiculous. I realize that bad decisions have been made in the U.S. and unclear reasons were given for actions to be taken, but listening to soldiers coming home and being proud of helping to give power to those that were treated unjustly makes me look at the issue in a totally different way. If someone can compare this type of action to terrorism, then I honestly don't know what to say. It makes me wonder if the people that think the U.S. should stay out of other country's problems today would have been the same people who would have wanted to stay out of Germany when Hitler killed 6 million Jews and 5 million other minorities because "it wasn't our place to get involved."

But "it's all relative!"- Right?.....

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